'You need water ... You need Southwells'
Camden Bowral
Camden (02)46557004 Bowral (02)48616911
Southwell Group Pty Ltd (the company) has prepared this statement in accordance with the Privacy Amendment
(Private Sector) Act 2000, which became law on the 21 December 2001. The Company will review this Privacy Statement periodically and reserves the
right, at its discretion, to modify, remove portions of this statement
at any time.
Southwell Group Pty Ltd recognises that individual privacy is very important. The company collects information
in order to operate accounts and to communicate promotions that may assist our clients. The company maintains a contact database in order to manage
our dealings with you. The contact details we hold have been obtained in the usual course of our business dealings with you. Unless you tell us
otherwise, we will continue to use the contact
information we have about you in this way. The accuracy of the information is important to us. If the
contact information on your invoice / statement are incorrect, please amend and forward details to us.
The collection of information relates to
1. Reference checking, interview notes, selection of reports, pre- employment testing.
2. Superannuation arrangements
3. Engagement of Contract Workers
4. Any other area that deals with personal information.
From time to time we may request personal information by others responding to:
1. Job advertisements
2. Request to establish Trading account as a customer or supplier or contractor to the company
3. Various other means.
We will collect personal information in a lawful and fair way and not an intrusive way.
Personal Information submitted to us may be disclosed to a third party:
1. To provide the service requested or to meet the purpose for which it was submitted.
If an individual tells us that they do not wish to have personal information used or disclosed, we will respect their wishes, unless this is not legally or
practically possible.
We will not collect, use or disclose sensitive information such as racial, ethnic, political or religious beliefs
except with the individuals consent or permitted by National Privacy Principles.
The company requires its service providers / contractors to confirm compliance or exemption from the privacy act.
No data transmission can be guaranteed to be totally secure. We cannot warrant the security, integrity,
or privacy of personal information submitted.
If you require a copy of this information please contact our office.